
Are Airpods Bad For Your Ears? – RatingFun

Are Airpods Bad For Your Ears?

Airpods have become a popular and convenient choice for wireless headphones due to their compact size, ease of use, and integration with Apple devices. However, many people have concerns about the potential health effects of using these earbuds for extended periods. In this article, we will address the most commonly asked questions about the safety of airpods and their impact on your ears.

Are airpods bad for ears?

Some people may experience discomfort or even hearing damage if they use their airpods for extended periods of time at high volumes.
The main issue with airpods is that they are inserted directly into the ear canal, which can cause irritation and even pain if used for long periods of time. In addition, the noise-isolating design of airpods means that external noise is blocked out, leading people to increase the volume in order to hear their music or audio content. This can cause damage to the delicate hair cells in the inner ear, leading to temporary or even permanent hearing loss.
It is important to note that this can be an issue with any in-ear headphones or earbuds, not just airpods. To minimize the risk of damage to your ears, it is recommended to use earbuds or headphones at a moderate volume, take regular breaks, and avoid using them for extended periods of time.

Why do Airpods hurt your ears?

AirPods, like any other in-ear headphones, can cause discomfort and even pain in some individuals due to several reasons:

  1. Poor Fit:
  2. One of the common reasons for ear discomfort with AirPods is a poor fit. If the earbuds are not inserted properly into the ear canal, they can cause pressure or irritation. It’s important to find the right size of ear tips that fit snugly and securely in your ears.

  3. Extended Use:
  4. Prolonged use of in-ear headphones can lead to ear fatigue and discomfort due to the pressure applied to the ear canal. Taking breaks and giving your ears a rest can help prevent this.

  5. Ear Anatomy:
  6. Every individual has a unique ear anatomy, and some people may have ear canals that are sensitive or prone to irritation. In such cases, even the best fitting earbuds can cause discomfort.

  7. Material:
  8. Some people may be sensitive to the materials used in the ear tips, such as silicone or foam. This can cause itching, redness, or swelling in the ear.

  9. Sound Pressure:
  10. The sound pressure generated by in-ear headphones can also cause discomfort or pain, especially if the volume is turned up too high. This can lead to hearing damage over time, so it’s important to keep the volume at a safe level.
    In summery, the discomfort or pain experienced while using AirPods can be attributed to several factors, including poor fit, extended use, ear anatomy, material, and sound pressure. It’s important to use in-ear headphones, including AirPods, responsibly to prevent any discomfort or hearing damage.

Can AirPods Cause Hearing Problems?

AirPods have gained immense popularity as wireless earbuds, offering convenience and high-quality sound. However, there have been concerns about their potential impact on hearing health. Let’s explore this topic further with the following points:

  1. Sound Volume and Duration:

  2. AirPods can deliver sound directly into the ear canal, increasing the risk of hearing damage if played at high volumes for extended periods.
    Prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 decibels (dB) can lead to hearing loss, and AirPods can reach volumes exceeding this threshold.

  3. Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL):

  4. Listening to loud music or podcasts through AirPods, especially in noisy environments, can contribute to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss.
    NIHL is irreversible and occurs gradually over time due to damage to the hair cells in the inner ear.

  5. Proper Fit and Hearing Health:

  6. Ill-fitting AirPods may cause users to increase the volume to compensate for external noise, further increasing the risk of hearing problems.
    Ensuring a proper fit and using noise-cancellation features at moderate volumes can help reduce potential hearing damage.

  7. Preventive Measures:

  8. Take listening breaks regularly to give your ears a rest and avoid continuous exposure to loud sounds.
    Enable volume limits in your device’s settings or use apps that monitor and control sound levels to protect your hearing.

  9. Consider Alternatives:

  10. Consider using over-ear headphones or noise-cancelling options that can provide better external noise isolation, reducing the need for high volumes.

Overall, while AirPods offer convenience and excellent audio quality, it’s essential to be mindful of their potential impact on hearing health. By following preventive measures and using them responsibly, users can enjoy their AirPods while safeguarding their hearing.

How to stop Airpods from hurting?

Airpods are designed to be comfortable and lightweight, but for some people, they can cause discomfort or even pain in the ear. Here are some tips to help prevent this from happening:

  • Adjust the fit:
  • Ensure that the AirPods fit snugly in your ears. You can experiment with different ear tips or consider using third-party accessories for a better fit.

  • Take regular breaks:
  • Give your ears periodic rest by taking breaks from using AirPods, especially during long listening sessions.

  • Lower the volume:
  • Keep the volume at a moderate level to reduce the risk of hearing damage. Use the volume limit feature on your device or manually set it to a safe level.

  • Enable volume warnings:
  • Enable the volume warnings on your device to receive alerts when the sound level is too high.

  • Use noise-cancellation or transparency mode:
  • AirPods Pro and AirPods Max have noise-cancellation and transparency modes, which can help reduce the need to raise the volume in noisy environments.

  • Clean your AirPods:
  • Regularly clean your AirPods and ear tips to prevent buildup of dirt or wax, which can affect the fit and cause discomfort.

  • Limit exposure to loud environments:
  • Avoid using AirPods in excessively noisy places, as this may lead to higher volume usage and potential hearing damage.

  • Opt for over-ear headphones:
  • Consider using over-ear headphones instead of AirPods, as they generally provide better noise isolation and can be more comfortable for extended use.

  • Consult an audiologist:
  • If you experience persistent discomfort or have concerns about your hearing health, it’s advisable to consult an audiologist for a professional evaluation.

  • Use alternative listening devices:
  • Give your ears a break by using alternative speakers or earphones instead of relying solely on AirPods.

Remember, taking care of your hearing is essential, and practicing safe listening habits can help prevent potential hearing problems associated with using AirPods or any other audio devices.

How Loud is Considered Too Loud While Using Airpods?

Prolonged and repeated exposure to high sound levels, particularly from headphones, can result in irreversible hearing impairment. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) warns that sounds exceeding 85 decibels (dB) can harm the delicate hair cells in the inner ear, leading to noise-induced hearing loss.
Even sound levels as low as 74 dB can be damaging if exposure is extended (source). Hence, it is recommended to lower the volume when using headphones and to take regular breaks to give the ears a chance to rest. Protecting your hearing should be a priority to avoid long-term consequences.
To help users make informed decisions about their listening habits, this table presents the recommended safe listening guidelines and corresponding examples of various sound levels for AirPods usage:

Sound Level Table

Sound Level (Decibels, dB)DescriptionPotential Impact
60 dB and belowQuiet conversation or background musicSafe
60 – 70 dBNormal conversationSafe
70 – 85 dBBusy city traffic or vacuum cleanerGenerally safe for short durations
85 – 95 dBHeavy traffic, subway, or loud music at a clubSafe for very brief periods
95 – 100 dBMotorcycle engine or loud rock concertLong exposure may cause damage
100 – 120 dBChainsaw or jet engineHearing damage possible
Above 120 dBGunshots or fireworksImmediate risk of hearing loss

FAQs On Airpods Damage to Your Ear

  1. Can airpods damage your hearing?

  2. The sound volume of airpods is similar to other headphones and earbuds, and they are designed to not exceed safe levels for extended listening. However, it’s important to be mindful of the volume levels you’re listening at and take regular breaks to avoid hearing damage.

  3. Do airpods cause ear pain?

  4. Wearing airpods for extended periods can lead to discomfort and ear pain, particularly if they are too tight in your ear canal. However, this can be easily resolved by adjusting the fit or taking regular breaks.

  5. Can airpods cause ear infections?

  6. While airpods can increase the risk of ear infections if they are not cleaned regularly, they are no more likely to cause infections than other types of earbuds.

  7. Are airpods safe for children’s ears?

  8. While airpods can be used safely by children, it’s important to supervise their use and monitor their volume levels to prevent hearing damage. Children’s ears are still developing, and exposure to loud sounds can cause permanent hearing loss.

  9. Can airpods cause tinnitus?

  10. Tinnitus is a ringing in the ears that can be caused by exposure to loud sounds. If you listen to your airpods at high volumes for extended periods, you may be at risk of developing tinnitus. It’s important to take regular breaks and keep the volume at safe levels to avoid this.

  11. How long can you hear on AirPods?

  12. AirPods, like most wireless earphones, have a battery life that can last several hours on a single charge. The exact duration depends on factors such as usage, volume levels, and the specific model of AirPods. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the second-generation AirPods typically provide around 5 hours of listening time, while the AirPods Pro offer about 4.5 hours. However, please note that battery technology is constantly improving, so newer models may have extended battery life.

  13. Are AirPods bad for your brain?

  14. There is currently no scientific evidence to suggest that AirPods or any other wireless earphones are bad for your brain. The radio frequency (RF) energy emitted by AirPods falls within the safety limits set by regulatory authorities. However, it’s always recommended to use any audio device at moderate volume levels to avoid potential hearing damage. If you have concerns, consult reputable sources or medical professionals for the most up-to-date information on the topic.


In conclusion, airpods are not inherently bad for your ears, but like any other in-ear headphones, they can be if used improperly. To minimize the risk of damage to your hearing, it is important to take precautions such as monitoring volume levels, taking regular breaks, and cleaning them regularly. However, if you experience any discomfort or hearing problems, it’s important to seek medical advice.

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